Nearly 88 per cent of the offer was sold at Sale No: 4 of the auctions of Coonoor Tea Trade Association (CTTA) despite the average price rising to nine-month high of ₹90.40 a kg due to increased winter demand from upcountry buyers and select exporters.

Homedale Estate tea, auctioned by Global Tea Brokers, was the only one which entered the high-price bracket of ₹200/kg among CTC teas.

Its Broken Orange Pekoe Fanning topped both the leaf auction and the entire CTC market when Sachin Tea Traders bought it from auctioneers Global Tea Brokers for ₹287 a kg. This was the highest price in the entire auction this week of any tea, CTC or orthodox, from any factory, corporate or bought-leaf.

In the CTC Dust tea mate market, Homedale Estate’s Pekoe Dust, auctioned by Global Tea Brokers, topped at ₹286. Its Red Dust grade, auctioned by Global Tea Brokers, followed at ₹276.

In the orthodox tea market, Chamraj topped at ₹281.