Millet Network of India (MINI), an umbrella organisation of activists, scientists and non-governmental organisations, has demanded the Union government implement the National Food Security 2013 and include millets in public distribution system (PDS).

MINI Convener PV Satheesh has said that the network has launched a national campaign this week to bring pressure on the government to achieve their demands.

“The month-long campaign would highlight the importance of bringing millets into the PDS. The campaign will conclude on October 15, the World Food Day. The campaign will be conducted at village, block, State and national level to create a mass awareness and momentum from the communities in fighting for the cause of millets,” he said.

“Sorghum bread or Jowar roti is the most desired staple diet of the Deccan region in South India. Millet crops accounts for two-third of country’s cultivated landscape and they support 40 per cent of the country’s population. About 44 per cent of the food grains produced are millets,” he said.

“Despite the advantages and suitability to country’s agro-climatic conditions, millets have not attracted enough attention by governments,” he said.