Chances of a rise in the price of the small onion is rather remote, say sources at the Back office of Agro Marketing Intelligence and Business Promotion Centre (AMI & BPC) in the Centre for Agricultural and Rural Development Studies (CARDS), Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.

This inference was made after a survey of the arrivals and after analysing the market trends in Dindigul, Tiruchi, Perambalur and Tirupur markets.

“Higher arrivals are affecting the farmgate price of the small onions in Tamil Nadu. The State incidentally is the largest producer of small onion in India, accounting for close to 90 per cent of the production. Bangladesh, Malaysia, UAE and Sri Lanka are major importers of the bulb,” TNAU experts said.

The price of quality small onions (in Dindigul market) is currently hovering around ₹25 a kg. This is expected to slip to ₹22-24 during March-April,” CARDS sources said, advising farmers to take appropriate sowing decisions.