The depression over South-East Bay of Bengal is inching closer to the North Andhra Pradesh-South Odisha coast and was tracked 820 km from both Machilipatnam (Andhra Pradesh) and Gopalpur (Odisha) on Thursday evening.

The depression will continue to move north-north-west and reach the contiguous AP-Odisha coast on Saturday morning. It is likely to weaken slightly ahead of landfall.

Heavy rain forecast

The India Met Department (IMD) has forecast heavy rain at isolated places over North Coastal Andhra Pradesh, and coastal areas of Odisha and Bengal.

Clouds had started shearing away from the core of the depression from yesterday. This was due to a western disturbance over North India that had dipped as far as Central Maharashtra, Telangana and North Coastal Andhra Pradesh.

The westerlies emanating from the disturbance, whic had taken he wind out of cyclone Ockhi over the Arabian Sea, is set to keep the Bay depression from developing into a cyclone.

High winds, rough seas

The northern flanks of the depression continue to be affected, with the blown-away parcels of clouds bringing advance rain into Odisha and Bengal coasts and even parts of the North-East.

The heavy rain belt will be over the North Andhra Pradesh and Odisha coasts on Saturday, while Mizoram and Tripura too are seen as net gainers.

For the next two days, the IMD has warned of ‘rough’ to ‘very rough’ seas, with squally winds. Fishermen have been advised not to venture out.

Successor disturbance

Once the deep-depression fades out, what is likely to attract the attention of weather watchers is the arrival of a mega-western disturbance of an intensity and reach not witnessed so far this season.

This disturbance is expected to dip even lower to the South, interact with the easterly winds from the Bay, and bring rain to a number of places over North, Central, East, North-East, and Peninsular India.

It will start influencing weather in the North from Monday, with heavy rain or snow forecast for Jammu & Kashmir. Its steaming front and associated warmth promise some respite from the current chill for North India.