The newly-appointed Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Harsh Vardhan, has promised transparency in the way the Ministry operates. Taking charge of the Ministry on Tuesday, Vardhan said he would place e-governance systems in all Government-to-citizen and Government-to-business interfaces under the Ministry.

New plan Vardhan, an ENT surgeon, plans to work towards a new health insurance policy intended to cover all citizens.

The Minister, who is also likely to be in the running for the post of Chief Minister of Delhi in the upcoming re-elections, said he would consult national and international experts for the purpose policy formation and revision.

Road ahead “I am not in favour of taxpayers’ money being used to push a one-size-fits-all health policy”, he said, adding that he was consulting public health practitioners to formulate the road ahead for how the available resources can be used optimally in conjunction with healthcare workers on the field.