In the first step towards developing a national IT-health policy, the country needs to start an association for digital health, a report following discussions between government officials of India and Australia said.

The two countries recently signed a memorandum of understanding for greater cooperation in the space of health, including technology, to improve health outcomes. The roundtable between the officials was organised by the George Institute for Global Health India.

The association, according to a report published after the meeting, would form a platform for collaboration by stakeholders from India and Australia, including universities, specialist research entities and market sector players.

The report is likely to be considered by the government’s joint working groups on health.

Some of the areas in which the two countries have found opportunities are in developing a health alert system, clinical outcomes management systems to prevent misuse of antibiotics, developing electronic health records and others.

The report recommends setting up a digital surveillance system to help prevent infectious diseases. “Early detection ensures a rapid response, which prevent treatable illnesses from aggravating to life-threatening conditions,” the report said.