In an effort to fill up the skill gap in the IT industry, Nasscom has launched a platform to rope in top talent from across the country and develop an expert talent pool that can provide the new age skill base to the industry.

Calling it the Nasscom TechNgage program, the IT services council of Nasscom is running a contest inviting 15,000 people across six cities who will then be shortlisted for a live hackathon, wherein participants would be asked to create a live solution around the topic of ‘Your city smart and secure'.

“The whole idea is to celebrate technology ideas and technologists,” Sushma Rajagopalan, Chair of the Nasscom IT Services Council and CEO of ITC Infotech, told BusinessLine .

The council will select 1,000 from the 15,000 participants for a live hackathon and will declare the winners as technology explorers.

“These would be individuals who have got a broad breadth of technology experience and we will confer the title of technology explorers on them. This will serve as a platform to keep showcasing newer and newer technologists as well as technologies,” Rajagopalan said.

She said IT service companies could use this platform as a forum to hire top talent and at the same time help build entrepreneurs.

“A lot of these people might have ideas that will get funded through our product council that runs 10000 Startups initiative. We need to celebrate technology at a much larger scale than we are doing currently. Maybe to start with identifying people who are individual contributors plus domain competence,” she said.

More job opportunities Rajagopalan said with increasing demand for skills such as data scientists and technologists who can rapidly repurpose themselves for newer skillsets, this platform could encourage people to go beyond their regular jobs where they expect their company to train them for every new technology.

She added that this is not a one off event and will act as a platform for talent with different themes each year.