Brands develop a long-term union with customers and have personality as well.

According to Mr P. Arul V. Subramanian, Divisional Manager, Marketing, Tata Motors Ltd, the preference for branded products is growing rapidly.

Speaking to post-graduate students of management of the Mohamed Sathak College of Arts and Science, he said the concept of branding that has become part and parcel of the marketing process today had interesting beginnings. It is linked to the tradition of cattle owners burning their names into their cattle to identify them.

He was delivering a lecture on branding at a Business Line Club event presented with Tata Photon.

The marketing manager engaged the students in ‘building' a brand for a pen called ‘Aqua Sharp'. During the exercise, the budding managers identified actor Aamir Khan as the brand ambassador for the pen as it was meant for intellectual, creative youth. Dr K. Shyamasundar, Director of the MBA Department, welcomed the gathering. The head of the department and faculty members were also present on the occasion.