Sugar prices ruled flat on the Vashi wholesale market and mill level on Thursday with routine activities. Ample supply and need-based local demand kept sentiment calm and steady, said sources. There were no changes in prices at all level, as producers continued selling at prevailing rates while stockists and retailers kept away from new commitments. Prices were lower by ₹2-5 for the fair variety and higher by ₹2-5 a quintal for the fine variety.

Sources said that activities in the spot were routine as supply from producers were ample and continuous. In the absence of upcountry demand millers are selling continuously. Vashi traders also carry sufficient stocks.

Arrivals were routine at 61-62 truckloads and local dispatches were 58-60 loads. On Wednesday evening, 15-16 mills offered tenders and sold 58,000-60,000 bags at ₹2,930-3,010 (₹2,930-3,010) for S-grade and ₹3,050-3,170 (₹3,050-3,170) for M-grade.

Bombay Sugar Merchants Association’s spot rates: S-grade ₹3,090-3,222 (₹3,090-3,222) and M-grade ₹3,222-3,382 (₹3,222-3,382). Naka delivery rates: S-grade ₹3,020-3,150 (₹3,020-3,150) and M-grade ₹3,140- 3,270 (₹3,140-3,270).