Majority of pulse seeds in Indore mandis on Friday witnessed a bullish trend with demand outstripping arrivals and rise in buying support at lower rate. Masur (bold) rose to ₹5,750a quintal (up ₹50), while masur (medium) ruled at ₹5,000. According to Prakash Vora, a wholesale trader, rise in prices of imported pulse seeds has also added to the uptrend in majority of pulse seeds in Indore mandis.

With scattered rains lashing various parts of the State, arrival of new moong decreased alarmingly, leading to sharp rise in its prices with moong (new) rising to ₹6,800-7,000. Similarly, moong (old) rose to ₹6,100-6,300, while moong (medium) ruled at ₹5,800. Moong dal (medium) was being quoted at ₹7,400-7,500, moong dal (bold) ₹7,600-7,900, while moong mongar ruled at ₹8,100-8,300.

Urad gained on weak arrival with urad (bold) at ₹5,100-5,300 (up ₹100). Similarly, urad (medium) rose to ₹4,200-4,500 (up ₹100).