Cotton prices traded down as demand from domestic mills was poor. Moreover, expectation of lower quality arrival at the beginning of the season also decreased the buying interest. Raw cotton or kapas marginally declined as demand from ginners was slow. Gujarat Sankar-6 cotton for best quality lost ₹100-200 to ₹39,000-40,000 a candy of 356 kg. Average grade cotton stood at ₹36,000-37,000 and lower cotton was ₹33,000-35,000.

About 3,000 bales (of 170 kg) arrived in Gujarat and 6,000 bales arrived in India. According to traders, cotton may decline further in coming days as there is no hope for big demand. Kapas declined by ₹10 to ₹850-1,030 for a maund of 20 kg in Saurashtra region. Gin delivery kapas was traded at ₹1,000-15. Cotton seed was flat at ₹410-440.