Cotton prices were unchanged as buying was slow after prices rose earlier this week. Traders said that cotton gained during this week and after that demand was slack at the higher level. Gujarat Sankar-6 cotton was traded at ₹30,700-31,200 per candy of 356 kg. About 40,000 bales (of 170 kg) arrived in Gujarat and 1.50 lakh bales arrived across the country. According to traders, price may see some upside next week as arrivals have gone down. Farmers are holding the stocks to get better price. Moreover, some fresh mills’ demand is also expected in the coming days. Kapas or raw cotton was flat on limited buying by ginners. Kapas went for ₹770-800 for a maund of 20 kg and gin delivery kapas stood at ₹800-820. Cottonseed stood at ₹355-370.