Sugar prices on the Vashi wholesale market ruled steady with minor changes in line with quality. Lifting pressure of old commitments on stockists pulled down naka prices by ₹10-20 a quintal while mill tender rates remained unchanged.

Sources said stockists continued to fulfil old commitments and stayed away from fresh bulk purchase. Despite good local demand prices were range-bound. Arrivals at Vashi market were 60-62 truckloads and local dispatches were 61-62 loads. On Tuesday evening, 14-15 mills offered tenders and sold about 38,000-40,000 bags at ₹2,370-2,450 (2,370-2,450) for S-grade and ₹2,480-2,560 (2,480-2,560) for M-grade. The Bombay Sugar Merchants Association’s spot rates: S-grade ₹2,532-2,622 (2,532-2,632) and M-grade ₹2,600-2,742 (2,592-2,742). Naka delivery rates: S-grade ₹2,475-2,525 (2,490-2,550) and M-grade ₹2,540-2,670 (2,550-2,670).