Commercial tax collection in Tamil Nadu jumped nearly 14 per cent in 2013-14 over the previous year despite the overall economic slowdown.

According to the policy note on commercial taxes and registration tabled in the Assembly on Wednesday, revenue for the year was ₹56,852 crore (₹47,885 crore). Growth has been achieved through increased monitoring and enforcement.

Revenue share

The major share of the revenue was from value added tax of ₹51,245 crore (₹42,038 crore); central sales tax of ₹3,116 crore (₹2,904 crore); entry tax on vehicles of ₹1,900 crore (₹2,316 crore); TN general sales tax of ₹218 crore (₹261 crore); entertainment tax of ₹68 crore (₹70 crore); luxury tax of ₹299 crore (₹290 crore); and betting tax of ₹6 crore (₹6 crore).

Registration revenue

Property transactions contributed to stamp duty and registration fee revenues of ₹8,055 crore during the year, up 8 per cent over the previous year’s ₹7,455 crore.