Indian Angel Network (IAN) has announced a virtual incubation programme for start-ups working in agriculture and supply chain.

Called FEML (Farm-to-Market Logistics), the programme will provide access to funding and technical assistance by industry experts to start-ups trying out innovative methods to make supply chain work better.

“Farm-to-Market Logistics includes products and services in the area of procurement, transportation, storage, distribution, preservation, processing and retailing of farm produce,” an IAN executive said.

Virtual incubation programme

The virtual incubation programme is managed by IAN and supported by Michelin. Shortlisted innovators and entrepreneurs will receive assistance on designing their products or service, building the prototype, getting customer validation and preparing the foundation for commercialisation of the idea.

The one-year programme might be extended for a few more months on a case-to-case basis.

“Shortlisted applications will be invited for a one-on-one discussion, and selected innovator or entrepreneur will be assigned a business mentor from the IAN mentor pool that comprises successful entrepreneurs, investors and senior professionals,” the executive said.

The orientation session will be held in Delhi. Selected innovators can join the session via Skype, video conference or phone calls.