India-born scientist Arogyaswami Joseph Paulraj and mathematics scholar Himanshu Asnani at Standford University were awarded by the Marconi Society in Washington for their technology contributions.

Paulraj, a 69 year old veteran technologist, born in Coimbatore was honoured for his pioneering work on developing wireless technology to transmit and receive data at high speed.

Asnani, aged 27, received the Society's Paul Baran Young Scholar Award for contributing to point-to-point and multi-terminal channel coding and source coding problems.

The awards are named after radio inventor and Nobel laureate Guglielmo Marconi and the Marconi Society awards annually individuals whose work and influence emulate the principle of creativity in service to humanity.

Paulraj, donated his cash prize of $1,00,000 or Rs 60 lakh to the Society's young scholar programme. Asnani was also presented with a cash prize of $4,000 or Rs 2.4 lakh.