India today rejected a request for asylum by US whistleblower Edward Snowden made through its Mission in Moscow three days ago.

“I can confirm that earlier today our Embassy in Moscow did receive a communication dated 30 June from Mr Edward Snowden. That communication did contain a request for asylum.

We have carefully examined the request. Following that examination we have concluded that we see no reason to accede to the request,” spokesperson in the External Affairs Ministry said here.

Snowden, a US former technical contractor for the National Security Agency (NSA) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) employee who leaked details of top-secret American mass surveillance programs, is currently in Russia.

Snowden is charged with violating American espionage laws.

His leaks revealed that the US intelligence used a secret data-mining programme to monitor worldwide internet data to spy on various countries, including India.

Interestingly, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange had last month claimed that he had sought asylum in India through its mission in the UK. However, External Affairs Ministry had denied receiving any such request.