The Andhra Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission will come out with norms for hybrid renewable energy project development whereby wind and solar energy projects could be co-developed.

“There is great synergy between solar and wind energy power projects. The infrastructure created by either of them – solar or wind – for power transmission could be used by the other. We already have separate norms for solar and wind power projects. We will involve various stakeholders and come out with hybrid development norms,” G Bhavani Prasad, Chairman, APERC, said.

Codes amended The existing regulations of the commission are proposed to be amended to give effect to the policies of the State government where existing open access and settlement codes are being amended to suit the changed requirements.

Addressing a press conference after a meeting of the State Advisory Committee here today, the Chairman said, “As far as this Commission is concerned, consumers are one eye and power utilities in the State the second eye. Only if the sector is tidy and the utilities are intact and financially healthy, will the consumers get better services.”

True-up charges Referring to the recent proposal made by two Discoms in the State, the Chairman said that a proposal for True-up charges of ₹7,200 crore has been made for the period 2009-2014.

“We would have to examine what the proposal is based on. Then we will involve various stakeholders and seek their views,” he said.

On the energy efficiency measures, the Commission Chairman said for the first time a regulator has stepped in to ensure efficient way of implementation of energy conservation measures including implementation of LED light scheme. The Commission intervention has helped bring down the cost significantly, he said.

Power to farms Referring to the government move to ensure nine-hour power supply to the farm sector, he said efforts would be made to implement it, keeping in mind the requirements of the farm sector and also the supply situation.

The orders passed by the Commission are not final, aggrieved parties have the right to knock at Appellate Authority and also High Courts through writ jurisdiction, he said.