The State government has appointed KSIDC as the nodal agency to implement the World Bank directed ‘Ease of Doing Business’ initiatives.

This is to meet the parameters laid out by Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), regarding starting a business, dealing with construction permits, registering property, paying taxes, trading across borders, enforcing contracts and resolving insolvency. By achieving the set parameters, Kerala aims for a frontline ranking in the ‘ease of doing business’ environment among all States.

KPMG has been appointed as consultant by KSIDC to undertake study to reform the existing rules and Acts related to clearance procedures for starting an enterprise under the ‘ease of doing business’ initiatives.

KPMG will conduct a study and advise on best practices along with suggestions/solutions for implementation of reformation in the respective Acts, rules and procedures in the concerned areas/sectors.

M Beena, Managing Director, KSIDC, and Prasad Unnikrishnan, Director, KPMG, signed an agreement in this regard.