A mega western disturbance over North-West India and an easterly wave over the extreme South Peninsula have started impacting the regional weather over the past couple of days. The western disturbance is currently anchored over Afghanistan and Pakistan, but, as is usual of a well-endowed system, it has spun off an offspring cyclonic circulation traced to over North Punjab on Wednesday.

This circulation is responsible for most of the ongoing weather over the hills and plains of North-West India. The highlight has been the heavy rain/snow over Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarkhand. An IMD update said that the moisture-laden disturbance would create dense to very dense fog conditions over the next two days across the northern half of the country.

In the South, an easterly wave has been bringing sporadic showers to Tamil Nadu and Kerala from overnight.

These could get heavier, especially over the Tamil Nadu coast into the next week.