The per capital energy consumption in Andhra Pradesh has gone up to 982 units in 2015-16, from 951 units in 2014-25, registering a growth of 3.3 per cent due to round-the-clock power supply.

The State utilities are seeking to bring down the transmission and distribution losses to single digit, 9 per cent from 10.2 per cent, which is also amongst the lowest in the country.

Ajay Jain, Principal Secretary, Energy, Infrastructure, Investments, said, “The energy deficit has been reduced from 10.6 per cent in June 2014 (22 million units per day), when the State was bifurcated, to zero level as on Monday due to effective implementation of the ‘24x7 Power for All’ scheme.”

During 2015-16, 50,369 million units of energy was supplied as against 47,256 mu in 2014-15, registering a growth of 6 per cent with the AP grid recording highest consumption of 162.09 mu per day on March 23 and peak demand of 7,391 mw. The system is geared up to supply 170 mu per day.

While the State has a total installed capacity of 12,730 mw, 1,175 mw was added during 2014-15 and another 3,090 mw in 2015-16.

APGenco (Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation) has recorded a plant load factor of 78.43 per cent in 2015-16 with non-conventional energy contribution of 10.74 per cent, thereby highlighting the importance attached to green energy.

Big investment Over the next five years, AP expects investments of over ₹1 lakh crore covering generation, transmission and distribution sectors in the State.

As the State seeks to electrify all households, 2.53 lakh households were electrified during 2015-16 and the remaining households will be electrified by May this year.

Providing fresh thrust to the renewable energy sector in the State, solar energy capacity of 4,000 mw is being developed in parks at Anantapur, Kurnool and Kadapa.

These projects are at various stages of development and would be implemented in a phased manner over the next two years.

The State government is targeting 10 per cent of the country’s targeted 100 giga watt solar capacity and is making all-out efforts to encourage development of solar-grid-connected projects and roof-top units.