British developers of a new video game claim it can help stressed and angry children learn how to stay calm under pressure.

The prototype gaming system monitors a child’s stress levels using a wristband sensor and rewards them for controlling their stress levels, for example by giving them in-game power-ups.

Developed by We Are What We Do, a not-for-profit technology company in UK, the system will encourage better self-control and emotional resilience among children suffering from stress, and could reduce mental health problems in young people more generally.

It is one of ten finalists in a technology competition run by Nesta, a UK-based innovation charity, and Google, ‘The Times’ reported.

Among other finalists is the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, which is developing a smartphone app to identify and track mosquito species in malaria-prone areas.

Finalists in the competition are awarded £200,000 each to develop projects and a further three could be given an additional £500,000.