Following are the 12 points of “Operation Clean Up” announced today by the BCCI’s head of interim arrangement Jagmohan Dalmiya to get rid of controversies in the IPL.

1. Removal of sleaze; no cheerleaders, no after-match parties for players and support staff.

2. Strict code of conduct to be followed by players, support staff and franchise owners.

3. Restriction of movement in players’ dug-out and dressing room. The owners from now on will be restricted from entering the dug-out and dressing room during matches.

4. All players and support staff of franchises need to furnish their telephone numbers with the BCCI before the start of the tournament.

5. Adequate number of ACSU officials in the team hotel as well as the ground to supervise the proceedings.

6. Jamming of cellphone towers at the ground during matches.

7. Captains’ meeting to be held in order to get more suggestions and prepare elaborate blueprint.

8. No national selector will be allowed to get associated with any franchise in any capacity.

9. All the players need to disclose every financial transaction they are carrying out with any particular organisation or person.

10. Franchises need to furnish all details of the remunerations and contractual obligations of players and support staff.

11. Players from now on will be prohibited from using ear plugs and microphones.

12. Security control policy will be formulated soon.