Sri Srinivasan could become the first Indian-American to be on the Bench of the US Supreme Court after conservative icon Justice Antonin Scalia’s sudden death gave rise to speculation that President Barack Obama may nominate the moderate judge who enjoys impeccable bipartisan support.

Chandigarh-born Srikanth ‘Sri’ Srinivasan, 48, tops the list of prospective justice to the country’s highest judicial body as Obama said he plans to fulfil his “constitutional responsibilities to nominate a successor” to Scalia.

At a time of bitter political divide when it would be tough for Obama to get through his nomination, Congressional experts pointed that Srinivasan’s nomination as a federal judge was confirmed by the Senate in 2013 with a record 97-0 votes including the two Republican presidential aspirants — Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio.

Past reports have also labelled Srinivasan as Obama’s “Supreme Court nominee in waiting”.

Srinivasan, whose parents hail from Tamil Nadu, is considered to have a bipartisan support in the Congress and is popular among both Democrats and Republican lawmakers.