Is placement season too hyped with B-schools, companies, and media making a song and dance about it? Students from T. A. Pai Management Institute, Manipal, share their views:

I agree that the placement season is hyped nowadays, but the reasons behind it are fairly simple. In our society the determinant for being successful is the amount of money one earns. Pursuing an MBA in India is a costly affair and all the top B-schools are increasing their fee structure year on year.

Therefore, it has become essential to evaluate the ROI (return on investment) whilst seeking admission.

The placement factor has become the most important criterion for selection as students desire a high salary to recover the cost borne by them to pursue the programme.

Instead, students ought to look into much more important factors such as the learning environment and their area of interest which would make them better managers in the future.

Vaibhav Jain

I think it is true because the fat pay cheque is not the ultimate thing in life. Moreover, the packages offered comprises many factors such as brand value of the company, brand name of the college, the student’s competence, if their work experience has any relevance to the job being offered, variable pay packages and many more. There are companies which offer low packages but have great job profiles. I think it is the kind of work that matters most. Money will follow automatically.

Sesank Nemburi

Yes, it is true. This is happening because in our society the one who gets well-paid is appreciated. Moreover, students have goal to recover the expenses of getting the MBA degree.

The media, companies, and the B-schools have a finger on the pulse of the society and they want to capitalise on that.

But they need to focus more on the learning and the methodology that a B-school uses in nurturing a budding manager who would decide the fate of the organisation and the society at large.

Manish Kumar