The bus-train collision near Medak district is shocking. It is unfortunate that the driver was listening to music on his earphones when the tragedy occurred. The driver who was covering for a ‘regular’ was also guilty of choosing a different route to enter Masaipet, leading the bus and the children into a death trap. It is appalling that the level crossing has been without a gate for years, despite the authorities having had all arrangements in place.

NJ Ravi Chander


Who should be blamed for this negligence? The politicians for not taking steps to provide gates at all unmanned level crossings? The driver for his senseless driving?

Each one is equally responsible for the negligence of the driver. We see in almost all cities, parents talking on the cell phone whiledriving with children and family members. Many cross dividers and drive on the wrong side to save a second or two. Neither the police nor citizens feel they must follow road rules. Confront these people and you get only abuses: “Why do you worry? Did I hit you? It is my life.” Right under the nose of policemen even the so-called educated ignore traffic signals.

School authorities don’t care for the safety of schoolchildren and parents don’t see the importance of following rules. We don’t wake up till tragedy knocks at the door. The Government cares little for ordinary mortals, unless the victims are from the families of VIPs.

Can’t we spend on level crossing gates when our politicians can spend crores on electioneering, lakhs on high-end cars, have tens of policemen for their security and go on foreign junkets in the name of study tours? In what way can the Government compensate the loss of life? Politicians are responsible for the accident because they violate rules, seek exemption in following rules and always claim first rights on the roads, even ahead of ambulances.

SA Srinivasa Sarma


The accident is a grim reminder that the largest rail network in the world is still to put in place basic infrastructure. Instead of chalking out new plans, the Railways had better get a grip on operational efficiency in the areas of safety and security.

R Prabhu Raj


Think differently

With reference to “The labour reforms we truly need” by KR Shyam Sundar (July 23), only when corporate boards understand the plight of labour will we get real reforms. Labour too should know how difficult it is to run a business. We should enact a law by which we have a union representative on boards when the labour force exceeds 1,000. We must include the work of house maids too as labour. Who pays them PF and pension? A mindset reform is called for before new labour laws are enacted.

CR Arun


Act now

“The price of inaction” by M Ramesh (July 25)is an eye-opener. The transport minister stating that work on the Chabahar port in Iran will be speeded up is akin to closing the stable door after the horse has bolted. Inaction and procrastination will erode credibility.

CG Kuriakose

Kothamangalam, Kerala

Leave them banks alone

With reference to the editorial, “Dealing with bank failure” (July25), the RBI’s move to identify important banks in India is a good move but it will unnecessarily burden these banks. Economic growth will only revive with fresh lending; this D-SIB move will seriously hamper these lenders and cripple our growth prospects. We have seen that during the global financial crisis our financial institutions were safe, so hopefully in future too we will survive. So there should not be any further requirement for capital from these banks.

Bal Govind


Ridiculous to-do

Sania Mirza represents India in tennis. There cannot be two opinions on the fact that she is an Indian. Giving a communal connotation to her appointment as the brand ambassador of Telangana is ridiculous.

S Ramakrishnasayee

Ranipet, Tamil Nadu