This refers to the article “Put some heart into HR” ( Business Line , November 02). The main task of the human resources department is not confined to hiring-training-firing; it is all about managing collective talent in the organisation in such a manner that paves the way for creating ‘‘an energetic workforce’’, which is an inevitable ingredient of a organisation. It is a tough and challenging task for the department, as they have deal with people’s myriad problems.

Despite the challenges, the workplace diversity is becoming an indispensable ‘HR mantra’ as it offers scope for learning from people with diverse perspectives. Merely adapting to workplace diversity will not be rewarding, unless there is a commitment to pursue it without flaws. A good emotional intelligence (EI) is what is most needed for making workplace diversity a driving force of innovation.

Inclusion will bring about a sense of belongingness (loyalty) among the people. According to Stephen Covey’s book Seven Habits of Highly Effective People , an effective person or leader would always seek to understand others first. What this implies is, those at the helm of affairs should be empathetic. To nurture loyalty towards an organisation, a person should, at first, be loyal to his job.

S. Lakshminarayanan


Pension benefits

With the ever escalating cost of living coupled with fast and continuous erosion in money value, there is a strong case for revisting the Providend Fund Pension scheme. Paltry amounts of pension without any upward revision, regardless of inflation, cannot be considered as a sensible social security scheme by any standard.

Not working in government departments, public sector, commercial banks or insurance companies cannot be a reason for being denied a meaningful pension scheme. The Centre must find a solution to this serious issue.

N. Vijayagopalan
