Once again, ISRO has proved its competency by successfully firing the RLV (Reusable Launch Vehicle). It’s hard to imagine there was a day when it used to carry rocket parts on a bicycle to the launch pad! The day is not far when we will see an Indian astronaut carrying the tricolour to outer space. However, it is important to note that our scientists are paid very little compared to their western counterparts. Therefore, budgetary allocations and monetary benefits to ISRO should go up.

Gaurav Singhal

Rewari, Haryana

PSBs need autonomy

The total gross nonperforming loans of PSBs, an estimated 3.61 lakh crore, are a matter of great concern. It is important to quickly find ways so that the situation doesn’t get out of control. Creating bad banks by transferring all stressed loans is a viable proposition. China is reported to have 4 or 5 such banks operating to exclusively manage these distressed assets. The idea of floating a bad bank to get rid of the system’s stressed assets was mooted by economists. Banks should be allowed to focus on productive lending coupled with functional autonomy for a sustained growth of economy instead of getting bogged down by bad loans.

This is not to suggest that recovery of loans should be taken out from banks; it’s just a stop gap arrangement to help banks out of the crisis. PSBs should have greater functional autonomy and government should refrain from unduly interfering in their affairs.

Srinivasan Umashankar


Merger’s no solution

The merger of PSBs is not exactly the solution to the ills plaguing them. The single point agenda is to take strong action against wilful defaulters in a time-bound manner. No leniency should be shown to defaulting borrowers who have the means to repay. Why there is no word from Mr Rai on this vital aspect?

J Anantha Padmanabhan

Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu

Go for safe alternatives

In light of the latest controversy of bread being contaminated by excessive use of additives causing cancer, it seems the food industry in India is itself in the grip of a deadly disease.

The inorganic growth of the fast food industry and the demand created by changes in lifestyle have not been met with strict control on the use of additives long banned by western countries. Organisation such as FSSAI are waking up only when controversies break out.

It is imperative on the part of regulators to control the use of such substances when alternatives are available. Wide publicity should be given to safe alternatives. Children and youth are affected badly by the excessive use of fast foods. The Government also has to look into the large workforce dependent on these industries.

Rahul J Gautam


Significant agreement

This is with reference to ‘Chabahar and its implications for India’ by Sanjay Kapoor (May 25). Finally, after 13 long years, India and Iran have signed the pact to develop Chabahar port complex. Modi’s visit to Iran is very significant considering that President Ashraf Ghani of Afghanistan was also present. Since India and Iran share concerns over Taliban, security engagement will get a boost. China has been making huge investments in Pakistan and so we need to have excellent relations with other Asian countries. We shouldn’t fear China and Pakistan but we have to make our own strategic decisions.

Bal Govind

Noida, Uttar Pradesh


b With reference to the report, ‘Big SIP: MF investors cross 1 crore mark’ (March 24), it was incorrectly stated that the average industry ticket size of an SIP is close to ₹5,000. It’s actually ₹3,500. The error is regretted.

b In the report, ‘Apollo relooks hospital format, banks on tech to bolster revenues’ (May 25) , it was stated that Apollo’s s average revenue per bed was ₹2,820 crore in Q3, down 4 per cent from ₹2,939 crore in the previous year period. The correct figures are ₹2,820 and ₹2,939.  The error is regretted.

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