On February 4 in 1789, George Washington was unanimously elected as the first President of the US. What follows is a quiz on presidents.

1 In September 1995, after a change in the preface to the constitution, which Asian leader was installed as the ‘Eternal President of the Republic’ in his country? Guessable, given the designation!

2 In 1972, James Earl Jones, later the voice of Darth Vader, starred in the film The Man based on a novel about the first black President of the US. Which novelist wrote about this in 1964, 44 years before it actually happened?

3 Fiction. Who is the president of the club G.R.O.S.S, though he is often demoted by the founder and only othermember?

4 UK’s Watford Football club was playing in the Fourth Division in 1975 and in seven short years made their way to the first division. Which superstar was the president of the club since 1973 and brought visibility and financial stability to his team?

5 Who was the first and so far only American President to be sworn in on an airplane?

6 Which Indian President, who served in the ’90s, received doctorates in both science and law and was also the vice-chancellor of Jawaharlal Nehru University?

7 What singular distinction does Devisingh Shekhawat have in Indian Presidential history?

8 Which 92-year-old is the longest serving African President? He was Prime Minister between 1980 and 1987 before taking over as President for the last 30 years.

9 Who is the only US President who was never elected either President or Vice President?

10 Baron Pierre De Coubertin is regarded as the father of the modern Olympic movement and served as one of its first presidents. In which activity did he win a gold medal in the 1912 Stockholm Olympics?


1. Kim Il-sung of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. His son has a few dozen designations as well!

2. Irving Wallace, also known for the bestselling ‘Book of Lists’ series

3. Hobbes, in the Calvin and Hobbes comic series. G.R.O.S.S stands for Get Rid Of Slimy girlS, and Calvin

often demotes Hobbes from president and first tiger to tiger bulk rate

4. Elton John

5. Lyndon B Johnson, on November 22, 1963, just two hours after John F Kennedy was assassinated. The ceremony was rushed through because of a fear of conspiracy against the government

6. KR Narayanan. He was also the first Dalit President

7. The husband of Pratibha Patil, he is the first, and so far only ‘First Gentleman’ in Indian history. ‘First Ladies’ traditionally also acted as the chief hostess for all ceremonial functions at Rashtrapati Bhavan

8. Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe

9. Gerald Ford, the 38th President. He became Vice President when Spiro Agnew resigned and took over as President after the resignation of Richard Nixon over the Watergate Scandal

10. He won an Olympic medal for literature. Between 1912 and 1948, the Olympics also featured competitions in the fields of architecture, music, literature, painting and sculpture

Joy Bhattacharjyais a quizmaster and Project Director, FIFA U-17 World Cup

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