Business Wire IndiaAuthorized Training Partner (ATP)This official certification is the industry benchmark for Android development skills.“We’re excited to partner with Google in its ambition to train two million Android developers in India,” said Simplilearn Chief Business Officer Kashyap Dalal. “Mobile applications continue to disrupt businesses and partnering with Google is in line with our mission of solving for the global skill gap in the digital age.About SimplilearnSimplilearn’s mission is to help professionals around the world acquire the skills they need to succeed in today’s digital economy. The company provides online training in disciplines such as Cyber Security, Cloud Computing, Project Management, Digital Marketing, and Data Science where technologies and best practices are changing rapidly and demand for qualified candidates significantly exceeds supply. Based in San Francisco, California and Bangalore, India, Simplilearn has helped over 500,000 professionals and companies across 150+ countries get trained, acquire certifications, and up-skill their employees. Its training courses are designed and updated by renowned industry experts. Simplilearn’s blended learning approach combines online classes, instructor-led live virtual classrooms, project work, and 24/7 teaching assistance. More than 40 global training organizations have recognized Simplilearn as an official provider of certification training. The company has been named the 8th most influential education brand in the world by LinkedIn. For more information, visit