Consumers believe brands can provide stability in uncertain times. According to Brands in Motion, a study by WE Communications, 79 per cent of respondents in India said so. Anything seen as cutting-edge is loved and viewed positively. However, this does not imply strong customer loyalty as a whopping 98 per cent of customers have said they would sooner shame a brand than defend it if it falters. Consumers (48 per cent) said they also expected brands to take a stand on issues.

Ninety-three per cent of Indian respondents said they generally love (versus hate) companies operating in the technology B2B space, and 94 per cent view them as cutting-edge versus stuck in the stone age.

Click to read Brands stability study

“What we’re seeing in India is a positive climate for brands operating in the technology category,” said Carolyn Camoens, Senior Vice-President, WE Communications India. “This gives these brands, whether local companies or global brands operating in India, a wide berth to take more risk knowing they have strong support from consumers for what they are doing.” In all, 1,002 people in India were polled for this study.