A week after Arvind Kejriwal-led Aam Aadami Party Government quit office, Lieutenant Governor of Delhi Najeeb Jung on Wednesday received two visitors separately – Anil Ambani, whose company supplies electricity in Delhi, and PMS Prasad of Mukesh Ambani’s Reliance Industries.

The visits were courtesy calls, said officials of both companies.

On January 17, the Kejriwal-led Government had ordered an audit of the electricity distribution utilities by the Comptroller & Auditor General. But, the discoms in Delhi moved High Court challenging the audit of the utilities since the time of privatisation (2002). However, this was turned down by the court.

Attacking Mukesh Ambani’s Reliance Industries, Kejriwal had filed an FIR against Ambani and others for alleged irregularities in the pricing of gas from the KG Basin. Reacting strongly to this, RIL had said it was planning legal action against AAP leader for defaming the company and its Chairman.

“We will do whatever is required legally to safeguard our interests and reputation,” RIL had said.

“We deny these irresponsible allegations and propose to resort to the available legal remedies to protect our reputation and preserve the pioneering efforts and investment made by Reliance so far,” the company had said.

AAP has attacked big corporates and has alleged that the Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) are hand-in-glove with such interests.

Power tariffs are also a major topic of debate in Delhi, the epicentre of AAP’s political movement, as the party makes a bid to come to power on its own in the State. The power utility companies of Anil Ambani and a Tata company are also facing the wrath of AAP in Delhi. These companies have challenged the move to audit their accounts.