The CA institute has a new President in Mr G. Ramaswamy. A fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), Mr Ramaswamy was on Saturday elected President of the institute for the next 12 months.

Prior to this, Mr Ramaswamy was Vice-President of ICAI. His appointment as President is in keeping with the tradition of Vice-President becoming the President of the CA institute in the subsequent year. A practicing chartered accountant since 1984, Mr Ramaswamy is also a fellow member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI).

Mr Jaydeep N Shah, currently a central council member, was elected as Vice-President of ICAI at the central council meeting here on Saturday. Mr Shah is currently the Chairman of Financial Reporting & Review Board of India (FRRB). He is also chairman of the ethical standards board of ICAI.
