With American transportation and energy major GE’s upcoming Greenfield multi-modal facility near Pune due to go on stream in June, the company is eyeing doubling its share in the Indian wind energy equipment market by 2016.

With a clear focus on the energy sector, renewable energy forms the first phase of operations of the new facility at Chakan. The plant that involves a total investment of $200 million, will begin by making larger wind machine assembly heads and converters (that are currently being imported) for wind turbines.

The company also has a plan to develop and source sub-assembly components like gear boxes, castings and forgings amongst others for both Indian and export markets.

Earlier this month, GE launched 1.7 MW turbine with 103 m rotor blades developed and engineered in India that will work in low speed conditions.

“India is a big growth market and ability for local supply chain is critical,” Micaela Bulich, Vice President, global supply chain for GE’s renewable energy business, told Business Line.

In India to meet partner suppliers to discuss opportunities for supply of critical components to domestic and export markets, Micaela hopes to tap into the innovation of Indian suppliers.

“I am impressed with technological competitiveness of the Indian supply base to identify solutions that give greater product performance and cost effectiveness,” she said.

The company currently has one supplier for blades and is looking at additional blade types, Bulich said, adding that the Indian market also had scope for installation and commissioning of wind energy projects.