New Delhi-based multi-specialty hospital Aakash Healthcare on Wednesday announced its foray into international markets with the acquisition of a hospital in Tashkent in Uzbekistan. The 50-bed operational hospital was acquired through an affiliate unit for an “initial investment” of $4 million.

Additional investments of $10 million is expected in the next three years as the company looks to upgrade the equipment, increase bed count and ramp up other facilities at the hospital. Around 200-odd direct jobs are expected to be created during the period, it said in a statement.

According to Aashish Chaudhary, Managing Director, Aakash Healthcare, a sister concern ANVKA Healthcare took over the hospital in Tashkent. Discussions and plans for the acquisition were going on for nearly three years and the company would look “to go into other foreign locations in the future.”

The hospital will cater to not only the people in Uzbekistan but also to the neighbouring countries that lack adequate healthcare infrastructure.

On an average around 8,000 patients come into New Delhi every year for medical treatment and the number is “growing exponentially”. The approximate market size is around $30 million.

“Uzbekis majorly suffer from liver issues with a large portion of the population suffering from Hepatitis B and C. Patients come here for complex surgeries like liver transplants, neuro, cancer and orthopaedic procedures,” Chaudhary said adding that the major focus would be on mother & child, orthpaedic, liver and kidney diseases.

The formal inauguration of the Tashkent facility is expected on November 23.