After providing remote infrastructure management services and web solutions to clients abroad for over a decade, Coimbatore-headquartered Amulya Infotech India Pvt Ltd is looking to serve the Indian IT industry.

Its founder and Chief Executive Roopa Prabhakar said that Amulya is keen to explore the domestic market

'The cloud services market is expected to reach $15 to $18 billion by 2020. Indian enterprises are on the look out for availing the benefits of cloud to save on costs, data security and accessibility. Our “actsupport'' division specialises in extending technical support to web hosting companies and data centres, Blade server support services, network and server administration, back up solutions, storage management and virtualisation services, she said.

'The company's áctmedia' division plans to develop secure mobile applications and extend its security solutions to enterprise websites in the domestic market,’ she said and cited a Springboard research estimate, which has predicted a 20 per cent increase in the use of enterprise mobile applications by 2015.

While disclosing her plans for the domestic market, Ms Prabhakar also hinted about Amulya foraying into the US by setting up an office there and establishing its presence in Germany as well..

The company is planning to double its headcount from 150 to 300 very soon. 'Candidates were reluctant to join our company initially, but the situation has changed in the last couple of years. To keep attrition rates low (it is 6 – 7 per cent), we have increased the package. Today, the staff cost alone works out to 65 per cent of the cost and people are motivated,' she told Business Line.