After two months in detention, the Chief Executive Officer of Amway India William S Pinckney has been released on bail.

The CEO was arrested by Andhra Pradesh Police on May 26 from Amway’s office in Gurgaon and brought to Kurnool. Thereafter, he has been detained in different prisons in Kadapa, Warangal and Hyderabad.

In a press statement, Amway Chairman Steve Van Andel and President, Doug DeVos said, "The release of Amway India CEO Bill Pinckney is a great relief. We are profoundly dismayed that this unnecessary detention occurred at all, and are even more troubled that it lasted so long".

They reiterated their commitment to Amway business owners who sell products in India and resolved to work with the newly elected Government in New Delhi on clear direct selling legislation.

After receiving many complaints, AP Police arrested Pinckney under the Prize Chits and Money Circulation Schemes (Banning) Act.