German luxury car-maker Audi expects the demand for cars in India to grow by more than three million by 2014, as the demand of the growing middle-class for individual mobility continues to increase.

“Today around 14 million Indians own a car. While two million cars were sold in 2010, this number is expected to grow to more than three million in 2014,” Audi said in its annual report.

Population and traffic volumes are growing at a particularly rapid pace in China and India. In Mumbai, which had 20 million residents in the past year, the number of residents will grow to almost 26 million by 2025, according to a forecast by the United Nations, the company stated in its report.

It added, the demand of the growing middle-class for individual mobility also continues to increase.

“Because of these developments we are faced with a completely new challenge where sustainable individual mobility is concerned,” Chairman of the Board of Management of Audi AG Rupert Stadler, said.

“The company is projecting its brand values into tomorrow’s world. With models such as the Q5 hybrid quattro and the e-tron family, our solutions for future forms of individual mobility are already electrifying people today,” he said.

The company produced 1,150,018 cars and 1,648,193 engines in 2010, as against 932,260 cars and 1,384,240 engines last year.