Nearly 3 GW of solar projects worth Rs 16,000 crore could attract penalties for missing their Scheduled Commercial Operation Dates (SCOD), if the impact of Coronavirus outbreak on trade with China is prolonged. India sources about 80 per cent of its solar modules from China, where trade has been impacted as measures are being put in place to combat the spread of the virus, according to an analysis by Crisil.

According to the standard terms of power purchase agreements, non-adherence to completion timelines attracts penalties, including downward renegotiation of tariffs.

Measures such as restricted movement of people and shut-down of factories have disrupted module manufacturing in China and its feeder industries.

The clampdown has forced several manufacturers to run their plants at low utilisation, or even stall operations altogether. Indeed, even the modules already manufactured are facing delays in transit to project sites, on account of precautionary restrictions on transit at ports.

Manish Gupta, Senior Director at Crisil Ratings said: “This puts at risk around 3 GW of solar projects auctioned between July and August 2018, which need to meet their SCODs by July 2020. Given that orders for modules are typically placed with a lead time of six months from SCOD, these projects are now in the process of either placing orders or receiving delivery of modules. Hence, any delay at this stage can prove costly.”

In a bid to meet the commissioning timelines, the developers may choose to implement projects with more expensive modules sourced from locations other than China. But this could erode returns as the modules may be 15-20 per cent costlier, shaving as much as 3 percentage points off their returns.

Also, developers can invoke the ‘Force Majeure’ clause in the PPA under which they can seek relief under unforeseen and uncontrollable events. However, this is yet to be tested and may face legal and regulatory hurdles.

Ankit Hakhu, Director Crisil Ratings said: “In the context, Crisil’s credit outlook will be sensitive to any significant delay in opening up of trade with China, and consequently, delays in project implementation.”