US company First Solar has emerged as the lowest bidder in the 500 MW solar tender of Andhra Pradesh, quoting Rs 5.25 a kWhr for 40 MW and Rs 5.35 a kWhr for another 40 MW.

First Solar is mainly a module manufacturer – it is the world’s largest Cadmium Telluride based thin-film modules producer. The company also owns solar power plants all over the world, but mostly in the US. It is also among the leading module suppliers to solar project developers in India, catering from its plant in Malaysia.

In India, First Solar recently announced the setting up of a 45 MW solar plant in Andhra Pradesh. And now, it has emerged the lowest bidder in the state government tender.

The second highest bidder in the auctions was Acme Power, a company financially backed by Electricite de France. Acme quoted Rs 5.63 a unit. Acme is the largest solar power plant owner in India, with a capacity of 422 MW.

Andhra Pradesh has emerged as the most happening place for solar in India, with the government announcing 1,000 MW of projects, as part of its ‘15,000 MW by 2019’ ambition. Part of the 1,000 MW will be put up by the public sector power major, NTPC Ltd.