India has witnessed growth in hiring rate better than pre-Covid levels with availability and demand for remote work options on the rise, according to LinkedIn’s India – Labour Market update (Q4 FY22).

LinkedIn’s Economic Graph is a digital representation of the global economy, and insights from the graph provide real-time information on trends that are emerging in the labour market. 

As per the update, compared to the same months in pre-Covid, hiring in India was on average 101 per cent higher year-over-year during the recent quarter with restrictions being gradually lifted.

“However, there remain risks to the recovery given the emergence of the new Omicron variant,” it said. The hiring rate is a measure of hires divided by LinkedIn membership.  

Remote work options

Further, there is a larger proportion of paid job postings that offer remote work options compared to one year ago. “This reflects that companies are becoming more open to providing workers with flexible work options,” it said. In India, 20 per cent of postings offered remote options (up by 3.3x compared to March 2021).

On the supply side, job applicants also showed more interest in jobs that offer remote options. Relative to their absolute share of all job postings, those that offer remote options received 1.6x more applications on average. 

Gender trends

The report also shared insights on gender trends in terms of hiring. In India, women occupy 18 per cent of leadership positions with an imbalance in gender representation at the leadership level across various industries. The hiring of women in leadership roles in India, however, has increased from 18 per cent in 2015 to 25 per cent in 2021.

Within industries, education, wellness & fitness and media & communications, performed relatively better. “While female hiring is definitely improving, the same is not commensurate in terms of women in leadership roles,” as per the report.

As per the LinkedIn data, industries with the most female founders in India included media and communications, software & IT services and education. According to Executive Coach, Abhijit Bhaduri, these sectors have social sanctions for women to work in and the same cannot be said for agriculture, e-commerce or transportation.