The Tamil Nadu State government will do a study of the Micro, Small and Medium-scale Enterprises (MSMEs) in the State and take measures to enable these units to cater to the emerging sectors, said Minister for Industries, Investment and Commerce, TRB Rajaa.
“We will do a study and see how they (MSMEs) can be supported. We need to tweak their skilling and the components (to support the emerging sectors),” he told The Hindu after inaugurating the Lulu Hypermarket here.
The textile sector in the State can grow further by taking up production of technical textiles. “They should switch to technical textiles. We will encourage them to get into it. Even the large automobile companies that manufacture in Tamil Nadu source some of these materials from China. These should be made here,” he said.
On industrial development in the western districts of the State, Rajaa said availability of land is a major challenge. The government will look at promoting joint ventures. If there are owners who do not want to part with their land, they can enter into joint ventures with the industries for development on their land. Global Capability Centres (GCCs) have huge potential for development in this region and they want space. “We also want to develop the existing Elcot land in Coimbatore. We want to create more high value jobs here,” he said.
Regarding development of the existing industries, Rajaa said the strengths of the region will be showcased at the roadshows that will be conducted for Global Investors Meet. The plan is to attract investments from new regions such as Europe.
Managing Director of Guidance Tamil Nadu, V Vishnu, said Tamil Nadu is positioning itself as a destination for advanced manufacturing. Coimbatore, Hosur and Krishnagiri are ideal locations for such industries.
The Minister held discussions with members of Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Coimbatore, here on Tuesday. K Senthil Ganesh, Chairman of CII, Coimbatore, said some of the issues raised at the meeting were related to need for land at affordable costs for industries, support to build accommodations for migrant workers, and a PM MITRA park in Coimbatore region.
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