A Parliamentary panel has asked the Union Health Ministry to finalise the draft e-pharmacy rules and implement them without further delay, expressing concern over the possible misuse of online pharmacies in the absence of regulation.

The panel in its report mentioned that there were concerns over distribution of illegal or unethical medicines or outdated, substituted, or counterfeit medications amid the absence of regulations.

“Stringent regulation of the e-health and e-pharmacy sector is essential in view of the potential harm it can cause to health of end user in case of misuse,” it noted while recommending that “comprehensive guideline” be framed.

The guidelines, to be framed in consultation with stakeholders, are to “encompasses the due diligence measures to be undertaken by the e-pharmacy/e-health platforms, mandatory registration with the appropriate authority for sale of drugs, assigning responsibility on such platforms for the sale of genuine drugs, regulating the sale of controlled drugs, among others”.

The panel also noted that online sale of medicines has not been regulated despite objections and concerns (raised primarily by chemist shops), while no decision has been taken on the recommendations by a Group of Ministers on the matter.

Apalled at Delay

Pointing out that it was “appalled” to observe that the draft e-pharmacy rules have not been finalised till date; the committee said uncertainty in framing guidelines is “not conducive for the fast pace digital markets.”

“The committee, therefore, recommends the Draft E-Pharmacy Rules are finalised and implemented without further delay,” it said adding that