Rail Wheel Factory (RWF) has exceeded its production target by manufacturing 1,76,387 wheels during 2019-20 (up to March 19) compared with a target of 1,76,200 wheels.

“ We have achieved 134 per cent output compared with fiscal 2018-19 production of 1,31,131 wheels,” said Rajiv Kumar Vyas, General Manager RWF.

Similarly, the Axle Shop of RWF manufactured 80,309 units which is 4.29 per cent more than the Railway Board’s target of 77,000 axles. RWF has manufactured 80,309 axles which is 116 per cent of 2018-19 production of 68,885 axle units.

RWF has also manufactured 58,215 wheel-sets till March 19 which is 151 per cent of last year (2018-19) production of 38,474 wheel-sets. “As a result, there is a quantum jump of turnover of RWF from ₹993 crore during the year 2018-19 to 1,448.50 crore during the current year up to February 29 this year,” said Vyas.

“In financial year 2019-20, the manufacturing of wagons, coaches and locomotives have increased creating demand for RWF’s products of wheels, axles and wheel sets. In the process, RWF has achieved highest ever “Rolling Stock Equivalent units” of production,” he added.

RWF has supported production of loose axles and wheelsets for manufacturing of 22,930 units of “Equivalent Rolling Stock vehicles” by March 19. (wagons – 13,956;locomotives- 904; EMU coaches - 946; BG coaching-181; and LHB coaches -7059).

“This is highest ever production figure achieved in the history of RWF. The previous best was 22,738 ‘Equivalent Rolling Stock vehicles’ produced during the entire year of 2012-13,” said Vyas.