Resil Chemicals has entered into business alliance with Japan’s Nicca Chemical for joint development and marketing of products used for processing synthetic textiles.

India is a leading textile market with a focus on cotton textiles. However, in recent years processing of synthetic textile products has been growing and India has emerged as the largest synthetic textiles markets in the world after China.

Nicca Group has traditionally exported and sold textile processing chemicals on its own. However, to strengthen sales in South-West Asia, it has decided to collaborate with Resil, which has in-depth technical know-how to accelerate business development in the most effective way forward, Nicca said in a statement.

While Resil will have the exclusive rights to distribute Nicca textile chemical products in India, Resil Chemicals will grant Nicca permission to sell its textile chemicals in countries such as Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia and the US. As part of the business alliance, the two companies will start joint product development and marketing activities for innovative textile chemical solutions.