Technology giant SAP has rolled out a slew of initiatives to protect and safeguard its employees in India against the Covid-19 pandemic.

According to Sindhu Gangadharan, Senior Vice-President and Managing Director, SAP Labs India, employees and their insured dependents can get vaccinated and claim the cost. Employees and their insured dependents can also visit a hospital network that SAP has partnered with and get vaccinated, making use of the special slots designated for them.

Those who want to get the COVID test done at their home can do so by contacting the staff from the network of hospitals that SAP has tied up with. If any employee tests Covid-positive and need hospitalisation, they can opt for treatment at an SAP partner hospital. They can claim the treatment cost from the insurance. If the treatment is at home, employees can opt for a fee-less virtual consultation with doctors from the SAP partner-hospital.

Most SAP employees continue to work from home, and the company encourages them to do so.

SAP relies on technology to get accurate data on the number of employees attending the office at any point in time. “Since we are a technology company, manual monitoring was not a preferred choice. We, therefore, asked our employee volunteers to build a suite of apps to ensure Covid-related safety and precautionary guidelines are adhered to while at work,” Gangadharan said.

The in-house-developed apps include a cloud-based dashboard that allows employees to book slots to visit or work from office. A Bluetooth-based contract-tracing solution that monitors employee movement in the office ensures social distancing is maintained. An app will also notify colleagues who were the primary contacts of an employee who tested Covid-positive while at work. An AI-based video analytics solution has been developed to help the company’s physical security team monitor, in real time, social distance and mask-wearing violations in common areas across SAP office buildings. An app that allows employees to a pre-order meal at the cafeteria is also in place.