Sterlite Power has concluded the sale of three of its assets in Brazil for $100 million.

After these transactions, Sterlite retains seven projects in Brazil, which are at different phases of execution, the company said. Vineyards, in Rio Grande do Sul, is in the advanced phase of construction, already partially energised, and is scheduled for final delivery this year. The other six are in different phases of environmental licensing. Passing through the Northeast with Dunas, Borborema and São Francisco. In the Midwest, Goyaz and in the North, there is Marituba and in the Southeast, the company continues with Solaris.

Pratik Agarwal, Managing Director, Sterlite Power, said: “Sterlite Power has built a strong presence in the Brazilian power transmission market with a robust portfolio of projects under various stages of development. Sterlite Power is a global developer of power transmission infrastructure with projects of 13,315 circuit km and 23,885 MVA in India and Brazil.”