As top IT companies continue to urge their employees to come back to the office — Wipro Chairman, Rishad Premji noted that the tech industry has been one of the most spoilt industries with the flexibility that its employees have enjoyed to work from home. 

In the Nasscom Technology and Leadership Forum 2023 on Wednesday, Premji added that while the future of work is hybrid it is also important for people to come back to work. “The difference is like having a friend on Facebook, and one in real life. The association is very different.”

Hybrid model

Premji added however that the hybrid work model allows tech companies to expand their scope for finding tech talent. “The reality is that you have to access talent, we have to go to where the talent is, instead of continuously bringing the talent to big cities,” Premji said.

Premji noted that Wipro is making great strides in making its work culture more inclusive and diverse. However he remains hesitant in measuring its dividends through quantitative means. “We don’t want to end up in a place where all the metrics are being met but 95 per cent of the people feel that nothing has really changed.”