Unable to withstand the erratic and unscheduled cut in supply of power, industry associations here have joined hands to organise a protest rally and demonstrations in the first week of May.

Representatives of various industry associations have taken a decision to this effect after an hour-long meeting at the Coimbatore District Small Industries Association (Codissia) here.The Codissia President, Mr M. Kandaswami, told reporters that the industrial units faced nearly seven hours of power cut every day.

Worst hit

The worst affected ones were those that did not have a generator to manage production schedule when power went off.

A majority of the small and tiny unit promoters said that they were unable to keep their delivery commitments and were apprehensive of taking fresh orders.

Besides power shortage, these units had to do with skeletal manpower as labour was hard to get by and the cost of the raw material, including power cost, had spiralled.

Plans to file PIL

The association has sought an equal distribution of the power shortage across the State, including Chennai.

The industry associations have decided to file a public interest litigation (PIL) seeking equal distribution of power shortage.

Chennai to share

Though the State Government had announced one hour load shedding for Chennai from Thursday, it was increased to three hours in the rest of Tamil Nadu.

Chennai also should go without power for at least two hours a day so that the rest of the State did not have to suffer for long hours, representatives of these associations said.

As many as 35 industry associations, including members from SIMA, Sisspa, Codissia, Coimbatore and Tirupur District Micro and Cottage Enterprises Association among others, took part in the discussion.