What do you call a real-world meeting of people who know each other through Twitter? A Tweetup. Did you know financial services company Karvy gets its name from a flower that blooms every eight years? That the term ‘cash cow', coined by management guru Peter Drucker, goes back to the Hindu custom of offering money to temple idols in the form of animals? These were some of the questions posed to contestants at Bustle, a corporate quiz conducted by the Post-Graduate Department of Business Administration of M.O.P. Vaishnav College for Women, Chennai.

Over 50 teams from Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai and Kochi participated in the quiz, conducted by quiz master Mr Mitesh Agarwal at GRT Business Grand. Air Asia was the principal sponsor of this quiz.

Prizes worth over Rs 2 lakh were given to the winners. The first prize was bagged by Mr Jayakanthan and Mr Gopal Kidao of MMS and TCS respectively, the second prize by Mr Swamy and Mr Yaggy of Citibank and Oracle, and the third prize by Mr Ramkey and Mr Udupendra of KPMG and Yahoo!.

Hindu Business Line was the media partner.